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2022作文推荐 高中英语文章范文



小时候语文课我们经常会写小作文,坚持写作文可以培养我们的字和内心情感,很多人写作文时脑中一片混乱,写好作文的前提就是要多观察、多动手写。您是否正在为写作文而发愁呢?下面是小编精心为您整理的“2022作文推荐 高中英语文章范文”,仅供您在工作和学习中参考。

my sister goes to taipei first municipal girls' high school and is in her second year there. this is the best girl high school in the city, and my sister is a very good student. my sister likes sports. and now she is a member of the school track team. the regular schoolwork and the sports keep my sister very busy and yet very happy. she hopes to be able to go to college when she graduates. she enjoys english which they have nine sessions of one hour's class every week' she hopes to major in english in the future. usually she goes to school at si in the morning and in the afternoon she comes home at si, too. after dinner she usually studies until ten o’clock or so and then goes to bed. on saturday afternoonsshe spends her time at the school track. i think i have a very good sister; she also likeswww.dsBj1.Com


【写作收藏】 my father高中英语作文

懂得写优秀的高分作文对于学生是非常重要的,生活中一些难忘的经历就可以通过作文记录下来。缺少积累的人面对作文很难动笔,如果想把作文写好,自己肯定是要下功夫的。最近是否在寻找一些优秀的高分作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的“【写作收藏】 my father高中英语作文”,欢迎阅读,供您参考。

Father was my first teacher and is my dear friend. When I was a little girl, I used to sit on my fathers knees, listening to his stories. The storyTwo friends and a Beartold mea friend in need is a friend indeed.I will never forget the storyMadame Curiewhich tells me a truthwhere there is a will,there is a way.Fathers stories enriched my life and did a lot of good to my growth.When I was seven years old,I started primary school.I was young,so my father picked me up from school every day.On the way,I told father everything that happened at school.Father listened carefully and always smiled happily. Sometimes I sang a beautiful song. My sweet and lovely voice gave my father the greatest pride.My father is always proud of me. He hopes I will make great progress in my study. Now I have made up my mind to study harder and harder.Im sure my fathers love will lead me to my success and I will love him forever! my father

【写作参考】 坚持才能成功高中英语作文

作文相信大家都写过吧,写作文可以让我们和其他人进行无声的交流。很多人由于积累不够写作文总是无从下笔,一篇好作文可以引起大家的共鸣。最近是否在为写作文而烦恼闹心呢?为满足您的需求,小编特地编辑了“【写作参考】 坚持才能成功高中英语作文”,希望能为您提供更多的参考。


Miserable childhood, though, in a single run everywhere helpless when his suffering silently chewing, but Anderson hasnt abandon your dreams, make great efforts to pursue their own a beautiful life. His experience let us tears, his success let us sad heart was comforted, see the sunshine breath.

Everyone can freedom of singing, in their own ways. Anderson, in the beautiful fairy tale and found his own kingdom. In the real world, if there is no hope, no struggle of strong, it is difficult to find a way out. Andersen with his success tells us: grappling, never give up your dream, someday ugly duckling will become white swan. We believe, in real life, as long as along the dream footprint, trying to chase, even experience more anguish, endure treated unfairly, that are temporary, long after the shells of suffering, can become a colorful butterfly.

Fairy tale is bright, hard, you can create, hard, you can achieve. Continuous pursuit of life, is colourful life is brilliant gorgeous life.


We often hear people say, Never give up. These can be encouraging words and words of determination. A person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails. In my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have. Therefore, I believe that we should never give up.

One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything. It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again. Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people. Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. If we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted. Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives. If we never challenge ourselves, we will begin to doubt our abilities.

In short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals. Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to become better, more confident people. Furthermore, if we give up, we have non chance of attaining our.


Everyone has his dreams, but not all these dreams can come true. People give up their dreams for this or that reason. Those whose dreams become true have at least one thing in common, that is, they always hold fast to their dreams.

Marie Curie, a famous scientist, has set a good example. In 1898, Marie found a new element in the pitchblende. In order to prove her discovery, she must get it and show it to the world. Then to get the new element became her dream and goal of her life. After four years hard work and refinement of tons of pitchblende, Marie and her hus-band at last saw the dim blue light of the new element -- radium. Her dream had come true. There are many other examples. Just around us, for instance, the athletes who gain the gold medals, the artists who are popular with the public, and even the students who enter tile university after years of hard study and preparation, are all dream-holders.

Hold fast to your dreams, no matter how big or small they are. The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, even some sacrifices are needed, but hold on to the end, you ,sill find there is no greater happiness than making your dream come true.

2022作文推荐 话题英语文章模板

作文相信大家都写过吧,写作文可以让我们和其他人进行无声的交流。很多人由于积累不够写作文总是无从下笔,一篇好作文可以引起大家的共鸣。最近是否在为写作文而烦恼闹心呢?为满足您的需求,小编特地编辑了“2022作文推荐 话题英语文章模板”,希望能为您提供更多的参考。

The cartoon is simple but thought-provoking. As is vividly shown in the picture, there are two passengers sitting in a bus. One of them is a male, who is sitting cross-legged and smoking. The whole bus is filled with the black smoke. While the other one is a female, who is sitting in front of the man and covering her nose with a tissue to prevent the harm of the secondhand smoke. There is no doubt that the picture implies that the secondhand smoke exists everywhere and it is hazardous.

This phenomenon has an undesirable impact on our daily life. Firstly, it does harm to and sacrifices our physical and mental health. What’s worse, it is the main cause of lung cancer and about 10% people die of it every year. In addition, our environment and ecosystem will be severely polluted and thus it hinders our sustainable and scientific development. Were the situation to continue, we would pay a high price.

Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic and effective measures to control this situation. Firstly, we should appeal to the government to make strict laws and regulations to ban smoking in public places. As for ourselves, we should take practical actions to stop smoking and protect our living environment. Only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a beautiful world and a bright future to come.

2022作文: 中考英语文章1篇

许多孩子都会将一些事情写进作文,写作文就是需要真情实感的表达内心的想法。我们平常写作文要立意准确,不然就会跑题,一篇好作文最忌讳的就是主题涣散。怎么写出一片优秀的高分作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的“2022作文: 中考英语文章1篇”,相信您可以学习借鉴。













作文分享: 高考英语文章1篇

相信大家都写过作文吧,写作文可以提高人们的观察力,联想力和想象力。很多人写作文时都无从下笔,为了写好作文我们要多加阅读别人的佳作。到底如何才能写一篇优秀的高分作文呢?小编特地为大家精心收集和整理了“作文分享: 高考英语文章1篇”,仅供可以为您提供参考。

Since we go to school, we are taught that no pain, no gain, it means that if people want to be successful, they must work hard. But the truth is that not everyone can get what they want, even they work hard so much, but if working hard does not bring success, why should they still need to work hard. In my opinion, working hard doesn’t mean the person can success certainly, success needs more factors, like the time, the luck and other things.

There is no doubt that if the person does not work hard and fight for his goal, there is no way for him to get what he wants. Some actors start their career at the very young age, when they are also 40, they become famous suddenly, if they give up, they can’t be waiting for their reputation. So working hard, there is much chance to get succeed.


