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[优质作文] 故乡五年级文章范文简短



相信无论是学习还是工作中,我们都接触过作文,写作文就是需要真情实感的表达内心的想法。对于作文许多人都有不知如何下笔的感觉,写好作文的前提就是要多观察、多动手写。一篇优秀的高分作文是怎么样的呢?小编为此仔细地整理了以下内容《[优质作文] 故乡五年级文章范文简短》,相信对您有参考学习的作用。








热搜作文: 五年级故乡作文

写好一篇作文对于学生是非常重要的,作文的内容,来源于我们对生活的观察。很多人看到作文题目时想不出怎么写,一篇好作文切忌东拉西扯。你会怎么开始动笔写一篇作文呢?下面是由小编为大家整理的“热搜作文: 五年级故乡作文”,仅供可以为您提供参考。




不仅仅是房子的变化,车子也有哦,车子不像以前的车子,现在的车子是风能和水能还有太阳能。现在只要坐在车上说出地点,车子就会自动去。有了这种车子,交通事故也会减少许多,当车子发现前面有路人,车子就会自动停下,等待路人全都走开,车子才会开启。 我乘坐出租车,去往老福山,人们的素质大大提升,我坐在出租车上,司机问:“请问您去哪儿?”我说:“去老福山。”车子开往王老福山,现在没人随地吐痰,不再有人衣衫不整。“南昌这几年变化可真大啊。”“您是从外国来的吧,国外回来的客人都这么说。”“哦,是吗?”



[热搜作文] 五年级故乡文章300字(篇五)

懂得写优秀的高分作文对于学生是非常重要的,写作文就是需要真情实感的表达内心的想法。很多人都不明白写作文的思路,一篇生动感人的作文具有很强的感染力。那么优秀的高分作文我们究竟该如何才能写好它呢?以下是小编精心整理出来的“[热搜作文] 五年级故乡文章300字(篇五)”,希望能对您有所帮助,请收藏。














在学习时我们时常被要求写英语作文,多看一些优质英语作文可以为我们的写作打下良好基础,作文,可以表达自己内心看待某事物的想法和感情。一篇好作文起码要做好和读者共情,那么你知道一篇英语作文应该怎么写吗?以下是我们为大家整理的“暑假旅游计划英语作文五年级 ”,相信你能从中找到需要的内容!


五年级暑假英语作文范例:the newspaper报纸

nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value everybody should read it.

it supplies us with a variety of news every day. it tells us the political situation of the world. if we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.


Start a summer vacation today. Summer vacation, but what about summer vacation? Think it is want to do something different, but do not know where to start, and where the end ... ... perhaps did not start, did not end. Summer is the case, life is the case.

In the eyes of the children, society is always full of good and the beautiful, life is sweet and colorful. In the eyes of the big people, society is two sides, both true and the beautiful, but also false ugly, life with ups and downs. Why adults and childrens thinking so much difference? Conclusion There is only one: this is the most fundamental difference between maturity and immature.

Everything in the world is double-sided. Adults rich experience, decided to see things more comprehensive. And children to mature, it will certainly need to go through some things. Someone said: Life is a big training ground, is grinding the stage. In this special stage, everyone will encounter happy things and sad things. Sad things will make people bear great pain, happy things will make people have a good mood. If the face of the mourning day, people tend to lose confidence and then give up on themselves, decadent sink; and face the wedding day, people will be confused by the front of things, the lack of social experience, easily deceived. Just as plants can not lack sunshine and rain, peoples experiences can not lack happiness and sadness.


With the advent of summer vacation, summer barrier opened!

Rainy day, a beautiful rainbow quietly hung up the sky, as if the two high-rise buildings built on the Hongqiao, and the hot sun blooming for the summer cast a new color for the students summer Add a bit of vitality, even the tree children are happy to move up and enjoy this wonderful battle. Oh, whether to go out activities, do not live up to this good time.

Drove to the beach, showing a sea of sight in front of the landscape. Far, a few fishing boats with the wind waves, the sea set off a cluster of microwave. Barefoot, step on the beach, to the beach, the waves quarreled close to you, like a million tongue licking your feet. Hire a bamboo row, support the sea central, one into the water, enjoy the tour of 100 meters, and then float on the water, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, bathing the same good sun, everything is no longer exist, wrapped around you Only the water, the sun, the sun ... enjoy the warmth of nature! The sky is getting dark, the red sunset is bit by bit into the sea, the waves thrown a flash of red light. Dinner time to, in the vicinity to find a small hotel, eat a seafood dinner, wow, fresh enough, good!

Night falls, open the computer, surf the Internet to see the news, chat with friends, why not! There is a wonderful night in the summer, the stars out of the window in the blink of an eye, bright moon in the clouds in the shuttle, so you think of the story of the moths, the Cowherd and the weavers story. Suddenly, a boring thunder broke my mind, a shining light pierced my eyes, I gently closed my eyes. I know that tomorrow is to meet me is a bright dawn!


And finally summer vacation, really happy, but in the happy summer vacation is still to continue to learn, next year will rise sixth grade, and as far as I know, sixth grade study is very hard, and after the sixth grade To small early, so I can not relax on their own requirements. But the computer is really fun, and I had a while to play a game, my father see me, then I set a rule: every day to publish an article, if not write, my father can not see my Article, do not let me play the game. I think: Ye Hao, not only exercise my writing level, and Wang was originally called a day to write a diary, I look like a diary to write on the line? Anyway, an article and can not put my brain Cell all the light, but also in the case of writing the game, I even playing 23 hours, as long as I said, I have written a written no can play it?

No, this is not enough, I just write 100 articles can not play more than 2 hours a day, I was a child, can not sit in front of the computer for a long time, so that both hurt the eyesight, and boring, play enough. Let me have to sleep, eat, do homework ... ... in order to play the computer and even the basic order of life are disrupted, and I do not want to ah.

Summer vacation, I intend to spend half the day, 12 hours work, 12 hours to sleep. Work I intend to do homework 2 hours, play 1 hour (1 hour), practice erhu 1 hour (dozens of minutes), noon 3 hours, go out shopping 3 hours, the remaining 2 hours is to eat, every 40 minutes.

My plan is good, I hope you more comments!


During the summer vacation, our family came to the spring city, kunming. There, we had a memorable day.

That day, came to the stone forest, we ride a tour bus tour guide walk while we speak: there is a special ethnic minorities speak, they call girl ashimar, call the little girl a kitten, the little boy is called the dog, called big boy AHeiGe, white brother, brother jen... I know a lot of knowledge.

To the stone forest, into the door, greeted the pieces of rock stone curtain, rolling mountains like a pair of good sisters in lined up to sing, and in the stone mountain below a piece of green lawn, lawn with a stone, a look at carefully, that stone engraved with the words, also read: as long as love you dont walk on us.

Before we knew it, we came to the incarnation of aemma, and there was a small basket on his shoulder, which seemed to be climbing up the hill. The guide said there was another fairy tale in it, so I asked my mother to take a picture of her in asma.

Guide and lead us to the conscience, the conscience stone is made up of two pieces of towering stone happily hold up, looks pretty triumphantly, heard that bad conscience of people pass through here, the noble stone will fall down and hit him to death.

We then went to the stone of cat and mouse, the cat is looking for a mouse, the mouse is hiding behind a rock, its tail has been eaten by the cat, the cat cried: where are you? Fast die. So the mouse sang: why is it always me? Very interesting.

We went to see the polite stone, the elephant stone, the lungstone... The stones here are really weird.

At noon, we went to dinner, went to the food, and finally went to the hospital to soak the feet...

Apart from the separation, I still left the beautiful stone forest.


Im looking forward to the end of my final exam, my favorite summer vacation.

Although the summer vacation is just beginning, I have felt this will be a busy and happy holiday. I need to finish a lot of summer homework, study and practice playing guitar, and study English, ao and microcomputer. Besides, I will also attend 10 days of microcomputer summer camp, follow the parents south for the north - to travel. This is the only time I have to spend less time in my life, and that is the only regret.

Say my summer vacation plans, first of all, is to finish my homework, in order to have enough time to fighting, of course, but also guarantee the quality of work. And then, Im going to practice my guitar a lot, and Im going to bring up some beautiful pieces of music to listen to, and Im going to use the guitar to pretend to be handsome (haha!). It is. Its better to have more guitar lessons. I also have to teach myself English and Olympic Numbers at home. Improve the level of two subjects through textbooks and extracurricular tutorials. What is the most important subject of Chinese? I must read more books, read more classics, and improve my national literacy. And the microcomputer, how can my play not practice?

Of course not always study, otherwise it becomes a nerd! So I have to entertain. The biggest entertainment, of course, is to go out with your parents, both to relax and to broaden your horizons. Im also going to take part in some sports during the summer vacation. You might say, oh, its so hot, youre not getting any hotter? No, because the sports Im going to participate in are swimming. By the way, I cant help thinking about safety when it comes to swimming. Although summer recreational activities are good, but safety first, we must not go to unsafe places to swim or do other activities.

I have an important plan not to say, what do you guess? Thats my summer diary. Called him diary, actually also is not a diary, but with some articles, my summer vacation, together, also is the so-called summer diary I will put the summer vacation the interesting thing for me, all down, and share my colorful life of summer vacation.

Today is the last day of January and the last class of the semester. I went to the piano teacher with my father and my mother. She assigned me two things. One is that she has to let all her students perform a song for each of her students. The other thing was that she gave me the car, which was 599, 20, 22, and 4 exercises, so that I could go home after the show. The teacher told me to practice for a while because the students didnt arrive. The teacher said, I will practice now. After a while, I finished the practice and I was almost there. The teacher made us grow up and act one after another. When it was my turn, I was nervous, but I played it carefully. What impressed me most was the little sonatas and the north wind blowing.

Finally, the teacher sent a card to each child. My card reads: Chen fangding children learn the progress in the New Year, the piano is more the better, strive for the grade four this year!



Summer vacation, this is a the students expect long-lost happy time, simply can and play, no more unpleasant sound alarm clock in the morning... But we looked at those high expectations, a less-pressured treasure mom, has arranged everything for us: early in the morning to go to remedial class, noon to classes every day and every day go to remedial classes in the afternoon. I every day in ask him, who invented the remedial class! Deprived of the time I watch TV, if let me know who it is, I will regard that man as my enemy.



During the summer vacation, I read an interesting book of fairy tales. I like to read this book, because it is the best I have seen the book of fairy tales in the book, I read it three or four times, I was one of this book. This book is about it: there are four children inadvertently entered a wardrobe, and came to a place called Narnia, where a witch to witch ruled, Narnia into winter. The children and the lion beat the witch, spring is coming, the children also became a foreign queen. Many years later, the children have grown up, they pursue a fairy deer, inadvertently back in the closet. I read this book, the thought of another end, I think this is more suitable for the end of the book, is still in the closet:, family, you do not believe it to have a look!

暑假里,我看了一本有趣的童话故事书。我喜欢看这本书,因为这是我看过的童话书中最好看的一本书,我反复看了三、四遍,我对这本书是爱不释手这本书大概描写的是:有四个孩子无意中进入了一个衣橱,来到了一个叫那尼亚的地方,那里由一个女巫统治着,女巫把那尼亚变成了冬天。孩子们和一头狮子打败了女巫,春天回来了,孩子们也当上了国外和女王。许多年后,孩子们都长大了,他们追捕一头仙鹿时,无意中回到了衣橱里。 我看完这本书后,想到了另一个结尾,我觉得这个结尾更适合这本书,就是:至今,衣橱还在那个人家里,你不信就去看看吧!


summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable.I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays.It is very beautiful there.There are green plants,clear rivers,lovely animals and kind people.I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there.I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.

Besides that,I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons.I helped them read English and improve their spoken English.Their parents thanked me for this.what a happ summer vacation .


[优质作文] 五年级收获作文范文

时光煮雨,我们会将心事藏于笔尖。通过写作文我们可以提高语言组织能力。很多人都不明白写作文的思路,多阅读一些好的作品可以提高我们的写作水平。那么有哪些优秀的高分作文是能给我们参考的呢?下面是小编整理出来的《[优质作文] 五年级收获作文范文》,相信您能找到对自己有用的内容。






作文示范: 五年级故乡作文300字.doc

小时候语文课我们经常会写小作文,通过写作文可以把我们心中的想法表达出来。由于思辨思维的能力不足,很多人都写不好作文,一篇生动感人的作文具有很强的感染力。那么一篇优秀的高分作文究竟该怎么写呢?小编通过努力,整理了“作文示范: 五年级故乡作文300字.doc”,还是希望可以对您有所帮助。


二十年后的家乡,比起以前这是让人赞不绝口! 家乡,二十年后的家乡,你无比美丽,无比昌盛,你是我终身难忘!
