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2022作文推荐 关于元宵英语文章怎么写



作为学生的我们通常都会被要求写作文,写作文可以锻炼文笔,提高写作能力。很多人都不明白写作文的思路,为了写好作文我们不妨多看看别人的佳作。高分作文怎么写才能让人眼前一亮呢?下面是小编精心为您整理的“2022作文推荐 关于元宵英语文章怎么写”,相信对您有参考学习的作用。

Lantern Festival is our traditional festival, the Lantern Festival every year to eat dumplings, fireworks.

Mom cooked dumplings, I cant wait to pick up the one in your mouth, mom shout; "Be careful, dont burn yourself. Bite on the filling flow out slowly, sticky. Sweet taste is great!

The Lantern Festival without watching lanterns. Finish eat yuanxiao, dad and I arrived Yang head square. There were so many lanterns here! There is "running" tiger. "Eat grass" rabbit. And "swimming" in the fish. Is a multifarious! All became light of the ocean. The world of light! Dad bought me a rabbit lanterns. As long as one click button. Deer will be singing a happy song. I hurriedly took my tiger lamp join make lanterns, after my father and I go to fireworks.

Fireworks can be interesting. So many kinds of fireworks! Some on the left of the gun... People are respect, suddenly, a naughty kid threw jilt cannons, people scared hiding; I followed papa fired cannons sky it spray flame, 1 of "pa" exploded and emits the colorful flowers.

The Lantern Festival is really interesting!







作文阅读: 高一英语文章题材及译文怎么写

相信大家都写过作文吧,通过写作文我们可以提高语言组织能力。有好多人都不喜欢写作文,写好作文我们要多读多写多练。我们应该如何写好一篇作文呢?考虑到您的需要,小编特地编辑了“作文阅读: 高一英语文章题材及译文怎么写”,欢迎阅读,欢迎收藏。

It has been witnessed that since the coming of the cell phone, it has been developed so fast, thanks to the high technology, today, the function of cell phone improves a lot, some even can equal to the computer. People like to change the cell phone, because they want to have more function, but some teenagers lose wise mind on the road of changing cell phone. They want to buy the newest product, so that they can show off. Recently, it has been reported a boy sell his kidney for the purpose of buying an iphone, this is so shocked, the boy is selling his health for a new cell phone. People should be wise to the cell phone, they need to figure out that all the cell phones have some common basic function, some new products function is almost the same. They should measure their situation to buy a new one.


2022作文推荐 高中英语文章范文

小时候语文课我们经常会写小作文,坚持写作文可以培养我们的字和内心情感,很多人写作文时脑中一片混乱,写好作文的前提就是要多观察、多动手写。您是否正在为写作文而发愁呢?下面是小编精心为您整理的“2022作文推荐 高中英语文章范文”,仅供您在工作和学习中参考。

my sister goes to taipei first municipal girls' high school and is in her second year there. this is the best girl high school in the city, and my sister is a very good student. my sister likes sports. and now she is a member of the school track team. the regular schoolwork and the sports keep my sister very busy and yet very happy. she hopes to be able to go to college when she graduates. she enjoys english which they have nine sessions of one hour's class every week' she hopes to major in english in the future. usually she goes to school at si in the morning and in the afternoon she comes home at si, too. after dinner she usually studies until ten o’clock or so and then goes to bed. on saturday afternoonsshe spends her time at the school track. i think i have a very good sister; she also likes

2022作文: 中考英语文章1篇

许多孩子都会将一些事情写进作文,写作文就是需要真情实感的表达内心的想法。我们平常写作文要立意准确,不然就会跑题,一篇好作文最忌讳的就是主题涣散。怎么写出一片优秀的高分作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的“2022作文: 中考英语文章1篇”,相信您可以学习借鉴。













2022写作推荐 关于希望的作文:希望怎么写

我们会将心事藏于笔尖,写进作文里。通过写作文可以提高我们的表达能力。对于作文,大家都有一些厌恶心理,为了写好作文我们需要多加练习,换做是你,你会怎么样写作文呢?小编特地为您收集整理“2022写作推荐 关于希望的作文:希望怎么写”,仅供参考,希望能为您提供参考!






作文分享: 高考英语文章1篇

相信大家都写过作文吧,写作文可以提高人们的观察力,联想力和想象力。很多人写作文时都无从下笔,为了写好作文我们要多加阅读别人的佳作。到底如何才能写一篇优秀的高分作文呢?小编特地为大家精心收集和整理了“作文分享: 高考英语文章1篇”,仅供可以为您提供参考。

Since we go to school, we are taught that no pain, no gain, it means that if people want to be successful, they must work hard. But the truth is that not everyone can get what they want, even they work hard so much, but if working hard does not bring success, why should they still need to work hard. In my opinion, working hard doesn’t mean the person can success certainly, success needs more factors, like the time, the luck and other things.

There is no doubt that if the person does not work hard and fight for his goal, there is no way for him to get what he wants. Some actors start their career at the very young age, when they are also 40, they become famous suddenly, if they give up, they can’t be waiting for their reputation. So working hard, there is much chance to get succeed.



[优质作文] 大学英语文章(篇一)

相信大家都或多或少接触过作文吧,生活中一些难忘的经历就可以通过作文记录下来。写作文时常常被要求语言生动,内容具体,想要写好作文,自己需要多看、多学、多写。高分作文怎么写才能让人眼前一亮呢?下面是小编精心收集整理,为您带来的《[优质作文] 大学英语文章(篇一)》,欢迎您参考,希望对您有所助益!

The bright and dark sides of my university life

Every coin has two sides. On the one hand, I am quite satisfied with my university life. On the other hand, life in my university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected.

Here is the bright side of my university life: Firstly, Equipment of my university is advanced and teacher team is powerful. There is an advanced library that owns all kinds of books. So we can acquire a lot of knowledge from my university. Secondly, all sorts of lectures are given on campus. We can learn much knowledge that is interesting. Thirdly, my

campus activities are rich and colorful. Such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide opportunities to make friends. What’s more, my dormitory life is very harmonious. Dormitory life is an important part of my university life. On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.

This is the dark side of my university life: Firstly, there is only one dining room in my university. So we often need to wait in a long line, which waste much time. Everyday is always fixed cuisine types, which make our appetites depressed. Secondly, self-study room is not enough. Now we will soon take final exam. So it is difficult to find a self-study room. What’s more, network of my university is very unstable. It is difficult to search

literature in my dormitory, which waste too much time.In short, I am quite satisfied with my university life, but there is still some room for improvement. I am convinced that my university life will become better and better.

[推荐作文] 初三长城英语文章带翻译(写作示例)

懂得写优秀的高分作文对于学生是非常重要的,写作文可以把自己的思想和想说的话用文字表达出来。很多人写出来的作文都是千篇一律,一篇好作文是非常吸引人心的。优秀的高分作文是怎么样写的呢?以下是小编精心整理出来的“[推荐作文] 初三长城英语文章带翻译(写作示例)”,欢迎您来这里参考。





Last winter holiday, I went to Beijing with my mother. We visited the world-famous Great Wall.

The day was sunny and the weather was cold. Early in the morning we set off for the badaling Great Wall. About an hour later, through the window I saw a long, continuous mountain, with its white walls looming over the mountains. The wall was set against the red, red glow of a golden ribbon. My mother told me that this is the famous badaling Great Wall.

At the foot of the Great Wall, I cant wait to drag my mother to climb the Great Wall. How many people climb the Great Wall! Far away, the visitors seemed to be moving slowly and slowly. My mother and I huddled together in the crowd, climbing and taking pictures. After a half hour, the whirring north wind came and turned my face red, and my legs were heavy, too tired to climb. My mother read my mind and said, you know, my family, you cant go to the Great Wall. After listening to my mother, I started to climb up in spirit. Finally, I finally climbed the good han slope. Standing on the slopes of the han, I dont mind how proud I am.

If I have a chance to visit Beijing, I will climb the Great Wall.
